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Embracing the Past, Evangelizing the Present, Empowering the Future

Join the Celebration!

Throughout the 100-year anniversary celebration, we will be remembering the blessings of our past, spreading the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and preparing our youth and infrastructure for the future. 

We have ambitious goals as Christ's return draws near and we would love for you to be a part of it!

Please join us in this life changing mission. Donate Now!! 

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Embracing the Past, Evangelizing the Present, Empowering the Future



Our mission is to transform lives by sharing the love of Christ.  We are to be a light to others through our example of discipleship meeting the needs of others by teaching God’s Word, healthy living, spirit-filled worship, and community engagement

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Revitalize the Temple

We want to leverage the new technologies of the 21st century to design a physical plant that propels our Vision for the future:  to be a safe haven, where people can find the spiritual, physical, mental and social solutions to life's challenges.


Community Impact

As we celebrate 100 years in Harlem, we want build on our heritage of community involvement and to be a catalyst for positive change in the community of Harlem, New York and the world.

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